Ophthalmoscopy: Examine the fundus of the eye (funduscopy)

Eye examination at the ophthalmologist

Examination of the fundus of the eye is a most important diagnostic procedure. With an ophthalmoscope it is possible to look through the pupil to the back of the eye and examine the retina , optic nerve, blood vessels and choroid. With this examination, many eye diseases can be detected at an early stage. Serious diseases can be detected at an early...

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Examine anterior eye segments

Ophthalmologist during eye test

In ophthalmology, the eye is divided into two sections: The anterior and posterior sections of the eye. This section includes the optics of the eye: conjunctiva, cornea, iris and lens. This sensitive area can be disturbed by inflammation, infection, mechanical injury and disease.

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Examine intraocular pressure

City of Zurich with limited visibility

During the screening examination for glaucoma, intraocular pressure measurement (tonometry) is used and the optic disc is assessed. The examination can determine whether the intraocular pressure has increased and glaucoma is suspected. How does increased intraocular pressure occur? The intraocular pressure in the eye is caused by a constant inflow of aqueous humor. The aqueous humor flows from behind...

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Examine optic nerve

Eye examination at the ophthalmologist

A healthy optic nerve head curves slightly inward. The optic nerve transmits our sensory impressions from the eye to the brain. Vessels run through its center to supply the retina. The optic nerve head, called the papilla, refers to the place where the optic nerve emerges from the eye. This place is filled with nerve fibers, vessels and supporting cells and is used especially for...

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Why good vision is so important

Ophthalmologist for families

If one sense fails, the other senses must additionally take over its work. The eyes play a special role in this. The human senses are the contact to the environment. The human brain assembles the fireworks of neurons from the sensations of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch into a meaningful whole. This works in everyday life quite...

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Examine visual field

Eye examination with device

Visual field determination is used primarily for early detection of glaucoma. During the visual field examination (perimetry), the examination of the outer and inner limits of the visual field as well as the sensitivity of the visual function outside the site of fixation is performed. The visual field includes that area of vision that can be captured with the eyes and head unmoving. The rough estimation of the visual field is done with...

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Slow down presbyopia with glasses?

Children at the eye doctor

No. Presbyopia is caused by the normal aging process of the lens. It becomes more and more rigid and thus the ability to see well at close range is lost. This process cannot be influenced by glasses. You merely get used to the more comfortable vision, which is why you no longer want to do without reading glasses.

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If you have eye flashes, go to the ophthalmologist?

Ophthalmologist during eye test

In children, it is extremely important to detect vision problems early and treat them correctly. The brain learns to see in the first years of life. Problems that are not treated by the time the child starts school can lead to significant vision problems. If you notice anything wrong, you should present your child to an eye doctor immediately. One-sided vision problems are especially treacherous because the...

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Why are my eyes watering?

Eye examination at the ophthalmologist

The causes are diverse and often multifactorial. Foreign bodies in the eye or small injuries to the cornea, as well as inflammations and allergies, lead to increased tear production. On the one hand, foreign bodies are flushed out and on the other hand, the tear fluid contains enzymes that support healing. Persistently dry eyes also reflexively produce an excess of tear fluid. In the event of a draught, the tear film evaporates and the...

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