Entropion (rolled eyelid)

When the lid margin is turned inward, it is no longer the conjunctiva that is in contact with the eyeball, but the edge of the lid with the eyelashes or even the outer lid skin.

The eyelid is turned inward so that the eyelashes drag on the cornea.

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Ectropion (outward tilt)

Ectropion refers to the outward tilting of the eyelid margin. In this case, the lower eyelid is almost exclusively affected.

The most common cause is an age-related slackening of the eyelid ligaments and the eyelid plate, so that according to gravity the lower eyelid tilts outward.

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Ptosis (drooping)

Drooping (ptosis) of one or both eyelids is caused by paralysis of the eyelid elevator, muscular weakness or connective tissue weakness.

The treatment of acquired ptosis depends on the underlying disease.

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Lagophthalmos (paralysis)

In lagophthalmos, the affected person cannot close his eye completely, which is often due to a paralysis of the facial nerve. Lagophthalmos can be corrected surgically. Alternatively, therapy is carried out with the help of ointments and a watch glass bandage.

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